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The Raker-Roberta's Trial Gardens are closed for the season. We will be reopening July 16th, 2025.  

See the newest varieties, top performers, and most unique plants the horticulture industry offers.

OPEN: July 16, 2025 - August 29th, 2025, Monday - Friday, 9am - 4:00pm  
CONTACT: Emily Wildt, Director of Trials, (517) 542-4501

We've got to get back to the Gardens!

We trialed over 3,100 varieties at Raker-Robert’s. This year in our sun comparisons, we featured, Angelonia, Salvia, French Marigolds, Cuphea, Calibrachoa, Alyssum, and Begonia hybrids. In our shaded area we had Begonia tuberous, Impatiens wallerana.
Top Rated Varieties by visitors
       Helianthus Sunfinity double from Syngenta Flowers.
       Begonia Poppy Peach from Westhoff
       Curcuma Siam Shadow from ForemostCo
       Vinca Nirvana XDR Blackberry-Syngenta Flowers

New this year: Raker-Roberta’s hosted the north/central region of the ASCFG Cut Flower Regional Conference. This was a 2-day event with educational speaker sessions, tours, and networking with other cut flower growers. We had a great turn out despite the uncooperative weather.

The biggest hurtle we had to overcome this year, was the above average rain. This really made it hard for the plants to want to grow. Everything sat there until it finally dried out enough to take up the nutrients the plants desperately needed. Plants finally looked great in early to mid-August. 

You can find photos and performance data on all of these and everything in our trials on our Trial Data Page.


We will be hosting our big annual summer event, The Connection!

Join us on July 31st
 for a day filled with Music, Food, Friends and of course, Flowers! Industry experts will be on hand to talk about the latest and greatest offerings. Be sure to make time to visit.

In addition to our extensive sponsored areas (Landscaped beds, rows, large containers and Hanging Baskets) we have exciting things planned for ou
r Comparison areas. 
  • The Michigan Garden Plant Tour will be Monday through Friday from July 28th through August 8th.
  • Our sponsored areas are full of the latest and greatest offerings from our breeder sponsors.
  • This year in our comparison row trials in the sun, we will have Vinca, African Marigold, Pentas, Lantana, Tried and True (Best Sellers), Compact Patio Vegetables, Sunpatien Types, and Coleus (Sun vs Shade). We are also showcasing Pantone's "Color of the Year" Mocha Mousse.     
  • In the Shade, we'll have Coleus (sun vs shade)
  • We'll also be showing employee inspired combos in containers
  • In our hanging baskets, we are showcasing Scaevola, Speckled Petunias, Bacopa and Jambritania, Geraniums and Scented Geraniums.
  • Our 2025 Specialty Cut Flower Bed will showcase rows of all the newest and greatest by some of the best breeders in the industry. Also, don't forget to checkout our catalog/R&D screen live and in color.   
  • We are adding to our extensive perennial trials with Buddleia, Agastache, Sedum (upright types), and Asters. These will be in the ground for three years and are in addition to our existing perennial trials.

Last year, we added videos and much more photography to our social media accounts. Search for "Raker-Roberta's on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook to see all of our latest content and updated information. We'll continue to provide the best multi-media content available. 


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Raker - Roberta's Young Plants, Inc., one of Michigan’s premium horticulture suppliers, is proud to present our Raker - Roberta's Garden Trials.